Abnormal hair growth in a male pattern( Androgenic pattern) in coman is called hirsuitism. It is usually seen over the upper lips, chin, side burns, chest, abdomen, back and thighs. It affects 5 to 10 % of woman in the reproductive age group. It is usually accompanied by acne and hairfall.It is due to androgen excess in the body which causes increase hair follicle size, hair fibre diameter and propotion of time terminal hairs spend in anagen phase in these abnormal locations.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of hirsuitism. Other causes include Non- classical CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), use of certain drugs and ovarian or adrenal androgen secreting tumours.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of hirsuitism. Other causes include Non- classical CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), use of certain drugs and ovarian or adrenal androgen secreting tumours.
Hirsuitism causes psychological distress in affected woman and may also be an underlying sign of more sinister pathologies. Visual impression is generally enough but FerrimanGallaway scoring can be used for objective scoring of the hirsuitism.

Diagnosis is mainly by history and investigations including Androgens( testosterone and DHEAS), Prolactin etc along with a CT /Ultrasound scan to visualise the adrenals and ovaries ( as necessary).

Treatment of common disorders like PCOS can be easily done by Estrogen and Progesterone pills and Anti- Androgens. For Adrenal or ovarian tumors , excision would be required for a cure.

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